Scale Reduction System

Scale Prevention System: Transforming Hard Minerals into Harmless Crystals

Our Scale Prevention System utilizes Special SRS™ Media and a process called Template Assisted Crystallization to effectively transform hard minerals into harmless crystals. This innovative approach ensures that minerals won’t stick to fixtures, pipes, water heater, appliances, and more, preventing scale buildup and maintaining the integrity of your plumbing system.

With Kinetico, you can provide your family with fresh, clean, great tasting water without worry or concern.

Key Features

Healthiest Method of Scale Prevention

Utilizes Special SRS™ Media and Template Assisted Crystallization

This system employs a unique type of media known as Special SRS™ and a method called Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC). TAC converts hard minerals into harmless, microscopic crystals that won’t stick to fixtures, pipes, water heaters, or appliances.

Uses No Chemicals, Salts, or Additives

The system operates without the need for any chemicals, salts, or additives. This ensures that the water remains free of potentially harmful substances.

Tested by Third-Party Labs

Third-party labs have rigorously tested this system. The results have proven its effectiveness in preventing scale build-up.

No Electricity Needed

The system functions entirely without electricity. This makes it energy-efficient and cost-effective.


Say Goodbye to Scale

No Waste, Discharge, or Backwashing

The operation of the system produces no waste, discharge, or need for backwashing. This helps conserve water and reduce maintenance requirements.

Self-Contained System

The entire system is self-contained, meaning all necessary components are integrated. This design simplifies installation and operation.

Retains Useful Minerals

The system leaves beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium in the water. These minerals are important for health and are not removed during the process.

Space-Efficient Design

This system requires less space compared to alternative water treatment methods. Its compact size makes it ideal for areas with limited space.

Long-Lasting SRS™ Media

The SRS™ media used in the system has a long lifespan before needing replacement. This reduces the frequency and cost of maintenance.

Healthiest Method of Scale Prevention

Experience the ultimate in scale prevention with our Scale Prevention System, utilizing Special SRS™ Media and Template Assisted Crystallization to transform hard minerals into harmless crystals. Tested for effectiveness and proven to be environmentally friendly, low maintenance, and healthy, our system provides reliable scale prevention without the use of chemicals or salts. Contact us today to learn more about how our Scale Prevention System can benefit your home.

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